Monday, July 12, 2010


This is a series i have started watching recently,on my friend's(vishnu santosh) advice though!!!its a comedy plus drama series.but mostly its drama,but its awesome.Its the first series I've seen in which he has showed Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johnson and also hummer and rolls Royce all in the first season only!!!If u guys wanna check out some hot girls then i strongly recommend u to watch this series!!!

Its a series about 4 friends of which one fellow is a top Hollywood actor(Vincent "Vince" chase) who has lots of money to throw around with!!!!another is the brother(Johnny drama chase) of the first who is also in the acting field but is a big flop!!!the next is Eric "e" Murphy the manager type friend to Vince!!and the last turtle who just hangs out with these guys and goes crazy about girls!!

One more important character in this series is Ari gold who is the agent of Vince!!!!This guy is fucking awesome!!!his slang just makes u go crazy!!!!!

now Mr.abhidarshan reddy if u read this u must be of course thinking that "e jaffa gadiki rayadam radu petadu" so will most of them may be, if yes i cant help!!!!if no thank u my god!!!!!!!:):)

1 comment:

  1. ENTOURAGE!!! Johny "DRAMA" Chase is friggin is Turtle and E and Vince and Ari. :P
